AC/JC : Hi , life in France is as quiet as wild .We performed last Saturday with infestator (crossover) and ruthless pride (oï ) and the atmosphere was quiet and wild in the same time ha ha ha !!
PASKISS : Hi my Australian friend . Before this show i went to a thrash festival ( délirium
tremens infernal boozer , children of technology, and many more ) .Otherwise
life is ok with work and a lot of activities
2. First off, what the hell does even Zebarges mean? Here in Australia we have a classic 80's comedy show called Bargearse and Zebarges reminds me of that haha. How did the band name come about? Also you list your style of ugly sound as vlobeurghhh!! What is that?
AC/JC : I didn't know bagearse , i had a look on you tube and bargearse
look friendly a little bit poet and does
strange noise with part of his body . He
could do a clip for us . Otherwise zebarges is a mix between English and
french . "ze" means
"the" and "barges"
means "crazy" .About vlobeurghhh i give my pen to paskiss he's gonna
explain it to you
PASKISS : So , vlobeurghhh is metal punk played only with one bassplayer
( sometime acoustic guitar ) , a drum machine , and an alcohol addict voice
distorted by cigarettes ! Or the other meaning
is when you drink a lot of beer and you can't keep it in your stomach, the beer
goes back up before you can get the toilets .Right on the door ha ha ha !!
about bagearse i did'nt know too but the big cop looks like certain words of our song .
3. Zebarges is just a drum machine, bass and vocals and I bet many readers would be thinking what the hell!? But you wild bangers have got a ripper original sound going on. What are the reasons for choosing this path for yourselves? give us some history on the creation of zebarges and a list of the releases zebarges have put out there making people sick haha.
AC/JC : Yes some people really wonder what is it this thing . The die hard fan of punk and metal don't understand anything , people with a open mind think we are pleasant and dig out some good ideas in our words and our music . The only reason to choose this way is the easiness . I have been knowing paskiss from 20 years . He is a really good friend , we are two and that's all and thanks to this we recorded 3 cds 1 lp and a ton of cds , split tapes and thank to these releases doctors are happy because 90 % of people who listen to our music vomit without knowing the reason . ha ha ha !!!!
PASKISS : We live in a small town
where metal bands follow the modern metal style. We prefer oldschool way and in
the same time remain original .A lot of listener don't understand our style but
you can see the real meaning of our music on stage.We are not only a funny
band even if there is humor in our
words we can still write serious song
with dark and depressive words !!!!
4. How was the reaction and response in the early years to your first releases? The listeners were disgusted by the ugly vlobeurghhh haha?
AC/JC : 1000 copies of our first cd was released in 2004 and there are
250 cds left behind my sofa bed ha ha ha ! as you can see we didn't have a lot
of success in the beginning but things
have started changing since paskiss created his own label
PASKISS : At the beginning , the best feed back came from punk, hard
core, grind , style but now it has moved to the old school metal style .But we
still go on to disgust some people . When we started people were not ready to
hear us but now it is better and better yeah !!!!
5. Did any of you play in bands before the creation of Zebarges?
AC/JC: I've played in about ten bands since I've been playing the guitar each time bands last about one year and after split up because of different reasons ( it is better to be just two and have the same purpose ) .For styles there were grunge , french rock , stooges rock , HXC .
PASKISS : Zebarges is my only
band .Few years ago i sang in side projects.One band called
"marginal " ( thrash punk ) we only recorded one tape and "no class" heavy
punk"we only recorded one tape too
.However these are dead and buried and i continue only with zebarges, the cult
of freedom and difference
6. Putain D' Metal is a little classic of an album! Released in 2005 the first album by you crazies is full of weird songs and stuff and its so dam catchy. Also a remake of Kiss's Detroit rock city and a cover of MDC's John Wayne are on their which are both great. The cover artwork is interesting as well with various pictures of heavy metal and rock and roll figures of the past.Give us some background on the writing, the recording and atmosphere surrounding this Album.
AC/JC : Yeah ! we were young , nice , and carefree , we were less than 40 years old . We enjoyed to touch our own pro cd, and put it in your stereo system . My penis became hard as a rock and i had'nt enough space in my underpants to keep it inside ha ha ha !!! About the covers it is like a tribute to bands we like , we still go on to do that .
PASKISS : At this time we wanted to hit fast and strong with our metal
punk influences .The introduction is a tribute to metallica ."Putain
d'metal" can be translated by "fucking metal" you know what i
mean and we wanted to pay tribute to the all metal bands we were listening when we were young . That doesn't sound perfect but it comes
directly from our heart .
7. Zebarges is like an alien sound but I can hear some rock n' roll, heavy metal and old punk under it all. What are the musical influences for the mighty zebarges?
AC/JC : You are right we are influenced by different bands in different styles . No means no is my first influence but i can add DRI , les gnomes , aggressive agricultor ( both are french bands ) , motorhead ( of course) cliff burton , napalm death , dead kennedy's , SOD ,GG allin exodus .......
PASKISS : You are right zebarges is an alien with two heads , AC/JC's
head and mine ha ha ha !! We always liked
metal and punk bands and in the 80's lots of metal heads listened only to
metal and punk listened only to punk music .So
i could listened to manowar and after dead kennedy's .I don't think i
have any influences for my voice and words . I do what i want and it sounds like us zebarges . The mix
between metal and punk means inevitably rock'n'roll
8. Too big for love was the next album released in 2007 and on this album you maniacs really improved the song writing and added a whole new level of wackiness to the songs. This album is a dead set classic! So catchy! Give us some background on the writing, the recording and atmosphere surrounding this gem of an Album.
AC/JC : The more we play the more we evolve . I did progress with my
bass , dig out different way to write songs . The cd was recorded by fred
rochette in another studio . It sounds
louder than our first cd .
PASKISS : We didn't want to record the same cd it is the reason the second
sounds differently .The cover looks like the
motley crue's too fast for love .Words are humorous and dark because these two things are a
part of us .
9. Zebarges live shows look like classics by the evidence I've seen, lots of drunkenness, action and very intimate. Tell the readers what a zebarges live show is like from your point of view.
AC/JC : Mad music for mad people !!!
PASKISS : A show of zebarges means an experience you have never lived before. Some people refuses it and leave the room ha ha ha !!!! The others are really with us .They sing with us , they seat down the
floor when i ask them to do that , they give us beer , they laugh when i
tell jokes or when we play !!! To enjoy zebarges you must be a little bit too
drunk and to play our songs is the same
ha ha ha !!!
10. In 2011 the third album was released titled Stay barge or die! My speakers started going crazy with this album, this one was a bit more experimental in the songs and even more bloody wacky then the previous album. Give us some background on the writing, the recording and atmosphere surrounding this Album. How has the response been so far? What’s with the pallet all over the release? haha
AC/JC : thank you for the compliments but we will be compelled with doing better for the next cd . I hope we will surprise you and your speaker end up by going in a asylum after having vomit on your floor ha ha ha !!!!
PASKISS : AC/JC bought a new drum machine that has more possibilities to
sound differently .Within a song it can change the rhythm . i want to describe
you some of my words which are different than the previous cd . Samba 666 is a song about young people who
goes to a show with strange clothes .Promets moi nina is a song where i ask my
daughter to have a thrasher like a boyfriend ha ha ha !!!! Partager quelques
biere avec toi is a song about relationship between father and son . Gueule
cassée is a song about that we lived with metal music and in the street . La
java triste mais jolie quand même is when you get older . Testament is a song about when i'll die i want my
friends drink beers on my gravestone . Zebarges 2 we are not rockstars and we
will never be . Barbarella's desir is a cover of motorhead (orgasmatron)
11. Your 2005 & 2007 albums both had promo videos made for some of the songs. You maniacs had one video in 2005 and two videos for the 2007 album. The clips are funny and classic! Is there any message in them? What was the experience like making these promos? There weren’t any videos with the third album what happen there?
AC/JC : We met somebody who did some videos music .He asked us if we wanted to shoot our two first music videos .We accepted without hesitation . It was a good experience for us , we enjoyed this . however after he moved away we have had no news from him .
PASSKISS : The third one was shot by the sound engineer during a show .
Otherwise the only message is " are you ready to love zebarges and after
to tell people about us ? "
12. Zebarges has played constantly live over the years is that correct? What is your favorite show so far? have you played outside France or even Europe?
AC/JC :My favorite, If you watched our dvd , is the show where we play in a bar with crazy footage . We have not played outside of France nor our own town, but in other towns we've got die hard fans of zebarges who don't hesitate to organize show for us and we would like thank them .
PASKISS : We've been performing since 2002
but some years we have only performed
twice and some we could
perform 8 shows ha ha ha !!! this is crazy !!!
13. How is the French metal/punk scene going these days? You have been into it since the 80's which makes you a veteran, how is it now compare to back then? Does zebarges get the love and support locally or are they scared of the crazy perverted vlobeurghhh sound? Haha Any bands we should keep a eye on from there?
AC/JC : There always were lots of bands in France . In the eighties , in France like everywhere things like guitar ,drums, records, were expensive. Now it is cheaper , everybody can put out a record with a good sound by staying in their bedroom . I prefer 80's metal or bands who play the same style . Bands like infestator, afflictis lentae, the bootle doom lazy band , rockin bitch, aggressive agricultor and many more . Have a look on them they will blow your mind .
PASKISS : Ha ha ha ! kid let me take my stick and allow me to rest my
veteran's leg on it ha ha ha !!!
14. In 2011 zebarges released a total classic dvd titled decenniversaire 10 years of fuckin' vlobeurghhh with various live shows and even a prime time TV interview haha how did that happen? Are you pleased with this release? And the response?
AC/JC : Yeah it was fun to watch myself in a serious broadcast on tv.I've never noticed how beautiful i was ha ha ha !!! and seeing my fingers running on my bass it reminded me yngwie malsteem ha ha ha !!!! but i don't have long hair , what a pity !!!!
PASKISS : For those who missed us
on the prime time tv the first
time, can watch it thanks to the dvd .
It is a good way to show zebarges
performing in a bar or on a big stage . The prime time tv was shot
because we were the first band who played in a festival at 11 am ha ha ha !!!The man who interviewed
us didn't want to spend all day long in this festival to interview other bands
15. You crazy bastards have done quite a few split releases over the years with many different styles of bands how did they all come about? How has the response been to the last 2 split releases? The 12" split with Afflictis Lentae and the cassette split with thrashera. Which is your favorite split release so far?
AC/JC : I am proud of this split lp because i played on the both side . It was something very special for zebarges because we recorded two doom songs that last 20 minutes and it is really unusual for us .
PASKISS : When we announced on
myspace we were looking for a band to share a split vinyl, the day after
afflictis lentae got in touch with us and it was ok . My favorite splits are these with
afflictis lentae , thrashera and white bastard . Even if they are not our best
sales some people are interesting by them and i hope they will end up by being
sold out
16. What other influences are there for the wacky vlobeurghhh sound of zebarges other than music? Movies, books, magazines, pornos, cars? etc haha
AC/JC : Comics book , horror movies , old french movies , benny hill , life in the street when we were young , fight, laugh , friendship , beer, seat down on a bench before cops come to bother us
PASKISS : I don't like uniform , sport,politics , cars . I am interested
in friendship , reading , spiting on fashion people and money , drinking beer
and smoking cigarettes
17. Passkiss you also run the small underground label Ortsid Latem Productions, Which stocks and supports heaps of classic unknown bands. Give us some details surrounding that.
PASKISS : I always wanted to create a label to make discover known or
unknown bands . I met Jeremy ( maltkross) who showed me his new releases and i end up by taking a decision in the late of 2008 .My purpose is to release only tapes
of black metal , black punk , thrash metal , old school bands because it is that
i like . And if i can help some bands and spread their name all around the world it will be a
good thing for them and i'll be proud of it
18. What is install for zebarges in the not too distant future? More booze, sex, perverted shows, sick releases, unholy merch etc
AC/JC : That's right , sex beer and rock'n'roll and a good health to enjoy that
PASKISS : We should release a 4 way split with infestator , sahar ,
ruthless pride , this year . We will perform in august with infestator and xanadoo
( fast thrash from Singapore ) and another split with an Australian evil thrash
band diabolical demon director !!
19. Has the evil thought of doing an album with English lyrics to your best songs crossed your mind? haha
AC/JC: We would like to write a concept album about hamlet by Shakespeare with the real dialogue ha ha ha !!!
PASKISS : And why not with a feather in a ass !!!!
20. Ok Passkiss and Ac/Jc you wild crazy perverted french maniacs haha What are the final words before we consider this case closed? Also you better slip in how some likeminded maniacs can get in touch and get some zebarges damage! Cheers for answering the questions my friend all the best for Zebarges, your livers and your penises haha.
AC/JC : Thanks a lot for this interview and hello to your reader . My livers and my penis thank you to worrie about them and they kiss you wherever you want .
PASKISS : To get in touch with us : , trades
are welcome you know my styles .I raise my glass of beer and cheers to you and
your worldwide readers ! stay barges or fucking die !
Interview by Doctor J May 2012